Fixing ‘subscription is not registered with NRP’ error in Azure
24 Apr 2020I am writing this post not to claim that I know everything there is to know about Azure Networking. Not even remotely. I am writing this partly for myself and hopefully to help others. Today I hit the following error while trying to write a PowerShell script to automate some Azure Networking related tasks (more on that soon!): 'Subscription [subscriptionID] is not registered with NRP'. In this short post I will explain how to fix this error.
I searched online but could not find the solution anywhere. Then it hit me - NRP = Network(ing?) Resource Provider. The solution is straightforward:
- Make a note of the subscriptionID from the error message.
- In the Azure Portal go to Subscriptions and find the offending subscription.
- Click on Resource Providers.
- Search for 'Microsoft.Network'.
- You will see that the status for that provider is 'NotRegistered'. Select 'Microsoft.Network' and click 'Register'. Wait for it to say 'Registered' (if you are as inpatient as I am you can click 'Refresh' to get the latest status).
- Note that you do not need to register for 'Microsoft.ClassicNetwork'.
Done, now execute your script again and the error should disappear!