Ultimate Time Based Calculations Cheat Sheet for DAX / Power BI (including Week based calculations)

Power BI provides great time intelligence features to calculate Year-to-date (YTD), Month-to-date (MTD) and Quarter-to-date (QTD) totals. There is no such thing as Week-to-date (WTD) or Period-to-date (PTD) where period could be any arbitrary period definition (I used two-month periods in my example below). If you want those, you will have to create the calculations yourself. I was inspired by this excellent blog post and created an ultimate time-intelligence calculations Power BI file. I used Matt Massons excellent date dimension generation script to generate the date table for my example.

Download the full Power BI file here or get just the DAX formulas. Enjoy!

Basic Measures

  • Total Amount:
    TotalAmount = SUM(Sales[Amount])
  • Total Quantity:
    TotalQuantity = SUM(Sales[Quantity])

Day Measures

  • Total Amount for Last Day (Yesterday)
    Amount_LastDay = CALCULATE([TotalAmount],PREVIOUSDAY('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Amount for same Day last Year
    Amount_SameDayLastYear = CALCULATE([TotalAmount],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Amount compared to Total Amount for Last Day
    Amount_DOD_Variance = [TotalAmount]-[Amount_LastDay]
  • Variance % of total Amount compared to Total Amount for Last Day
    Amount_DOD_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_DOD_Variance],[Amount_LastDay])
  • Variance of total Amount compared to Total Amount for same Day last Year
    Amount_YOY_Variance = [TotalAmount]-[Amount_SameDayLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Amount compared to Total Amount same Day last Year
    Amount_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_YOY_Variance],[Amount_LastDay])
  • Total Quantity for Last Day (Yesterday)
    Quantity_LastDay = CALCULATE([TotalQuantity],PREVIOUSDAY('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Quantity for same Day last Year
    Quantity_SameDayLastYear = CALCULATE([TotalQuantity],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Quantity compared to Total Quantity for Last Day
    Quantity_DOD_Variance = [TotalQuantity]-[Quantity_LastDay]
  • Variance % of total Quantity compared to Total Quantity for Last Day
    Quantity_DOD_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_DOD_Variance],[Quantity_LastDay])
  • Variance of total Quantity compared to total Quantity for same Day last Year
    Quantity_YOY_Variance = [TotalQuantity]-[Quantity_SameDayLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Quantity compared to total Quantity for same Day last Year
    Quantity_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_YOY_Variance],[Quantity_LastDay])

Week Measures

  • Total Amount Week To Date
    Amount_WTD = IF (
        HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] )
            && HASONEVALUE ('Date'[WeekNumber] ), CALCULATE(
            FILTER (
                ALL ( 'Date' ),
                'Date'[Year] = VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] )
                    && 'Date'[WeekNumber] = VALUES ( 'Date'[WeekNumber] )
                    && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
  • Total Amount for Last Week
    Amount_LastWeek = SUMX(
                'Date'[WeekNumber]=CALCULATE(MAX('Date'[WeekNumber]), ALL('Date')) && 'Date'[Year]=FORMAT(VALUE(SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[Year]))-1,""),
                'Date'[WeekNumber]=SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[WeekNumber])-1 && 'Date'[Year]=FORMAT(VALUE(SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[Year])),""))
  • Total Amount for same Week Last Year
    Amount_SameWeekLastYear = IF (
        HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] )
            && HASONEVALUE ('Date'[WeekNumber] ), CALCULATE(
            SUM ( Sales[Amount] ),
            FILTER (
                ALL ( 'Date' ),
                'Date'[Year] = FORMAT(VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] )-1,"")
                    && 'Date'[WeekNumber] = VALUES ( 'Date'[WeekNumber] )
                    && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
  • Variance of total Amount Week To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Week
    Amount_WTD_WOW_Variance = [Amount_WTD]-[Amount_LastWeek]
  • Variance % of total Amount Week To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Week
    Amount_WTD_WOW_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_WTD_WOW_Variance],[Amount_LastWeek])
  • Variance of total Amount Week to Date compared to Total Amount for same Week last Year
    Amount_WTD_YOY_Variance = [Amount_WTD]-[Amount_SameWeekLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Amount Week to Date compared to Total Amount for same Week last Year
    Amount_WTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_WTD_YOY_Variance],[Amount_SameWeekLastYear])
  • Total Quantity Week To Date
    Quantity_WTD = IF (
        HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] )
            && HASONEVALUE ('Date'[WeekNumber] ),
        CALCULATE (
            FILTER (
                ALL ( 'Date' ),
                'Date'[Year] = VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] )
                    && 'Date'[WeekNumber] = VALUES ( 'Date'[WeekNumber] )
                    && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
        BLANK ()
  • Total Quantity for same Week Last Year
    Quantity_SameWeekLastYear = IF (
        HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] )
            && HASONEVALUE ('Date'[WeekNumber] ), CALCULATE(
            SUM ( Sales[Quantity] ),
            FILTER (
                ALL ( 'Date' ),
                'Date'[Year] = FORMAT(VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] )-1,"")
                    && 'Date'[WeekNumber] = VALUES ( 'Date'[WeekNumber] )
                    && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
  • Total Quantity for Last Week
    Quantity_LastWeek = SUMX(
                'Date'[WeekNumber]=CALCULATE(MAX('Date'[WeekNumber]), ALL('Date')) && 'Date'[Year]=FORMAT(VALUE(SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[Year]))-1,""),
                'Date'[WeekNumber]=SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[WeekNumber])-1 && 'Date'[Year]=FORMAT(VALUE(SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[Year])),""))
  • Variance of total Quantity Week To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Week
    Quantity_WTD_WOW_Variance = [Quantity_WTD]-[Quantity_LastWeek]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Week To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Week
    Quantity_WTD_WOW_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_WTD_WOW_Variance],[Quantity_LastWeek])
  • Variance of total Quantity Week to Date compared to Total Quantity for same Week last Year
    Quantity_WTD_YOY_Variance = [Quantity_WTD]-[Quantity_SameWeekLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Week to Date compared to Total Quantity for same Week last Year
    Quantity_WTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_WTD_YOY_Variance],[Quantity_SameWeekLastYear])

Month Measures

  • Total Amount Month To Date
    Amount_MTD = TOTALMTD([TotalAmount],'Date'[Date])
  • Total Amount for same Month Last Year
    Amount_SameMonthLastYear = CALCULATE([Amount_MTD],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Amount for Last Month
    Amount_LastMonth = CALCULATE([TotalAmount],PREVIOUSMONTH('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Amount Month To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Month
    Amount_MTD_MOM_Variance = [Amount_MTD]-[Amount_LastMonth]
  • Variance % of total Amount Month To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Month
    Amount_MTD_MOM_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_MTD_MOM_Variance],[Amount_LastMonth])
  • Variance of total Amount Month to Date compared to Total Amount for same Month last Year
    Amount_MTD_YOY_Variance = [Amount_MTD]-[Amount_SameMonthLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Amount Month to Date compared to Total Amount for same Month last Year
    Amount_MTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_MTD_YOY_Variance],[Amount_SameMonthLastYear])
  • Total Quantity Month To Date
    Quantity_MTD = TOTALMTD([TotalQuantity],'Date'[Date])
  • Total Quantity for same Month Last Year
    Quantity_SameMonthLastYear = CALCULATE([Quantity_MTD],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Quantity for Last Month
    Quantity_LastMonth = CALCULATE([TotalQuantity],PREVIOUSMONTH('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Quantity Month To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Month
    Quantity_MTD_MOM_Variance = [Quantity_MTD]-[Quantity_LastMonth]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Month To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Month
    Quantity_MTD_MOM_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_MTD_MOM_Variance],[Quantity_LastMonth])
  • Variance of total Quantity Month to Date compared to Total Quantity for same Month last Year
    Quantity_MTD_YOY_Variance = [Quantity_MTD]-[Quantity_SameMonthLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Month to Date compared to Total Quantity for same Month last Year
    Quantity_MTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_MTD_YOY_Variance],[Quantity_SameMonthLastYear])

Period Measures

  • Total Amount Period To Date
    Amount_PTD = IF (
        HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] )
            && HASONEVALUE ('Date'[TwoMonthPeriod] ),
        CALCULATE (
            FILTER (
                ALL ( 'Date' ),
                'Date'[Year] = VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] )
                    && 'Date'[TwoMonthPeriod] = VALUES ( 'Date'[TwoMonthPeriod] )
                    && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
        BLANK ()
  • Total Amount for same Period Last Year
    Amount_SamePeriodLastYear = CALCULATE([Amount_PTD],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Amount for Last Period
    Amount_LastPeriod = CALCULATE([TotalAmount],DATEADD('Date'[Date],-2,MONTH))
  • Variance of total Amount Period To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Period
    Amount_PTD_POP_Variance = [Amount_PTD]-[Amount_LastPeriod]
  • Variance % of total Amount Period To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Period
    Amount_PTD_POP_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_PTD_POP_Variance],[Amount_LastPeriod])
  • Variance of total Amount Period to Date compared to Total Amount for same Period last Year
    Amount_PTD_YOY_Variance = [Amount_PTD]-[Amount_SamePeriodLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Amount Period to Date compared to Total Amount for same Period last Year
    Amount_PTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_PTD_YOY_Variance],[Amount_SamePeriodLastYear])
  • Total Quantity Period To Date
    Quantity_PTD = IF (
        HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] )
            && HASONEVALUE ('Date'[TwoMonthPeriod] ),
        CALCULATE (
            FILTER (
                ALL ( 'Date' ),
                'Date'[Year] = VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] )
                    && 'Date'[TwoMonthPeriod] = VALUES ( 'Date'[TwoMonthPeriod] )
                    && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
        BLANK ()
  • Total Quantity for same Period Last Year
    Quantity_SamePeriodLastYear = CALCULATE([Quantity_PTD],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Quantity for Last Period
    Quantity_LastPeriod = CALCULATE([TotalQuantity],DATEADD('Date'[Date],-2,MONTH))
  • Variance of total Quantity Period To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Period
    Quantity_PTD_POP_Variance = [Quantity_PTD]-[Quantity_LastPeriod]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Period To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Period
    Quantity_PTD_POP_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_PTD_POP_Variance],[Quantity_LastPeriod])
  • Variance % of total Quantity Period to Date compared to Total Quantity for same Period last Year
    Quantity_PTD_YOY_Variance = [Quantity_PTD]-[Quantity_SamePeriodLastYear]
  • Variance of total Quantity Period to Date compared to Total Quantity for same Period last Year
    Quantity_PTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_PTD_YOY_Variance],[Quantity_SamePeriodLastYear])

Quarter Measures

  • Total Amount Quarter To Date
    Amount_QTD = TOTALQTD([TotalAmount],'Date'[Date])
  • Total Amount for same Quarter Last Year
    Amount_SameQuarterLastYear = CALCULATE([Amount_QTD],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Amount for Last Quarter
    Amount_LastQuarter = CALCULATE([TotalAmount],PREVIOUSQUARTER('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Amount Quarter To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Quarter
    Amount_QTD_QOQ_Variance = [Amount_QTD]-[Amount_LastQuarter]
  • Variance % of total Amount Quarter To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Quarter
    Amount_QTD_QOQ_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_QTD_QOQ_Variance],[Amount_LastQuarter])
  • Variance of total Amount Quarter to Date compared to Total Amount for same Quarter last Year
    Amount_QTD_YOY_Variance = [Amount_QTD]-[Amount_SameQuarterLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Amount Quarter to Date compared to Total Amount for same Quarter last Year
    Amount_QTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_QTD_YOY_Variance],[Amount_SameQuarterLastYear])
  • Total Quantity Quarter To Date
    Quantity_QTD = TOTALQTD([TotalQuantity],'Date'[Date])
  • Total Quantity for same Quarter Last Year
    Quantity_SameQuarterLastYear = CALCULATE([Quantity_QTD],SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Total Quantity for Last Quarter
    Quantity_LastQuarter = CALCULATE([TotalQuantity],PREVIOUSQUARTER('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Quantity Quarter To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Quarter
    Quantity_QTD_QOQ_Variance = [Quantity_QTD]-[Quantity_LastQuarter]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Quarter To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Quarter
    Quantity_QTD_QOQ_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_QTD_QOQ_Variance],[Quantity_LastQuarter])
  • Variance of total Quantity Quarter To Date compared to Total Quantity or same Quarter last Year
    Quantity_QTD_YOY_Variance = [Quantity_QTD]-[Quantity_SameQuarterLastYear]
  • Variance % of total Quantity Quarter To Date compared to Total Quantity for same Quarter last Year
    Quantity_QTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_QTD_YOY_Variance],[Quantity_SameQuarterLastYear])

Year Measures

  • Total Amount Year To Date
    Amount_YTD = TOTALYTD([TotalAmount],'Date'[Date])
  • Total Amount for Last Year
    Amount_LastYear = CALCULATE([Amount_YTD],PREVIOUSYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Amount Year To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Year
    Amount_YTD_YOY_Variance = [Amount_YTD]-[Amount_LastYear]
  • Variance% of total Amount Year To Date compared to Total Amount for Last Year
    Amount_YTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Amount_YTD_YOY_Variance],[Amount_LastYear])
  • Total Quantity Year To Date
    Quantity_YTD = TOTALYTD([TotalQuantity],'Date'[Date])
  • Total Quantity for Last Year
    Quantity_LastYear = CALCULATE([TotalQuantity],PREVIOUSYEAR('Date'[Date]))
  • Variance of total Quantity Year To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Year
    Quantity_YTD_YOY_Variance = -[Quantity_YTD]-[Quantity_LastYear]
  • Variance% of total Quantity Year To Date compared to Total Quantity for Last Year
    Quantity_YTD_YOY_Variance% = DIVIDE([Quantity_YTD_YOY_Variance],[Quantity_LastYear])